African snail: more than a plague

Gabriel Ricardo Morales Fallon

After the alarms lit in mid-2013 by the environmental authorities, due to the spread of the African snail, doubts multiplied about the effects that occur when it comes into contact with this mollusc, as well as its way of controlling it.

The African snail is anocturnal animal, they do not like the brightness of sunlight; so they are most frequently encountered on cloudy days. African snails consume more than 500 types of plants. This mollusk is a vector of the Gram-negative bacterium, Aeromonas hydrofila, which causes various types of symptoms, mainly in people with delicate immunological symptoms, always in the event that its preparation for consumption has not been well carried out. Likewise the consumption of this snail by domestic dogs, has caused their death.

According to environmental studies conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, they point out that this mollusc is included in the list of the 100 most harmful invasive alien species on planet earth. This animal destroys any crop in a voracious and rapid way; in its juvenile stage the snail is when it causes more damage to the sowings of cocoa, milk, peanuts, pineapple, cabbage, chest, etc. This mollusk is capable of eating almost everything;  even excrement. The damage to agriculture is considerable, because these snails destroy crops and entire ecosystems.  You may be interested in:  Corals

In human and pet health the giant African snail affects the digestive system, the respiratory system and the nervous system. The mollusk feeds on everything that passes through it and if a person gets to touch their slime, it can contaminate their digestive system and generate highly dangerous diseases. It can even cause blindness in children.

Experts do not yet know how this species reached South American lands especially Colombia and Venezuela, although it is believed that it was introduced to these lands for commercial purposes. This mollusc native to tropical Africa is illegal in the U.S. Uu and its distribution covers large tropical and subtropical areas of East Africa of several countries including Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia Costa de Marfíl Currently has spread through South America, the Pacific Islands and in general almost all the tropical coasts of the world; it can live in urban or rural areas and in extreme weather conditions.

The African snail is the largest terrestrial mollusc on the planet, it has a shell that can measure between 10 and 30 centimeters in length, it is light brown, with curved cream-colored lines, which lighten the closer it is to the carapace and has two tentacles, one long and the other short. They are very attractive, they are easily recognized for their size and colors; they are hermaphrodites and are very prolific. This animal has a high reproductive rate and can lay eggs about 1200 times a year, between 100 and 400 eggs at a time. (You may be interested in: The world of oysters and pearls)

As recommendations it is advised: do not touch the snails, avoid contact with the slime of the snail, especially with eyes, Nose and mouth. Do not consume snails, do not poison them because they could generate poisoning in crops suitable for humanity. In case of having contact with it, it should be washed well with plenty of soap and water and apply some antibacterial gel and disinfectant.

Not all snails are contaminated. The important thing is to make a good management of the garbage, debris and collect the excrement of the animals; great importance should be given to these suggestions to prevent the spread of bacteria and the animal itself. You should also avoid having them and treat them as pets, since their appearance is attractive and harmless. Despite their slow movement, most people find them boring, however, they have some very interesting features that make them attractive and that can help to see them in a new light. They are not brainless creatures as many people think.


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Gabriel Ricardo Morales Fallon

Categorías: Mundo Animal
Morales Fallon: