Man friendly trees

redwood Morales Fallon

Gabriel Ricardo Morales Fallon
Trees offer protection to human beings, they provide shade, shelter, oxygen, food. They are protection against strong winds because they reduce the speed by 50% in addition to containing the torrential rains, so that they drain through their branches and leaves.

The tree provides man with: shade, shelter, oxygen, fruits, industry, etc., they fight climate change. They are plants with roots, stems and fruits. Root logs and cups. They are the largest and most evolved plants on the planet.


Trees are the source of life. They help clean the quality of the air we breathe. They retain all kinds of polluting particles and also help to retain or reduce noise. They are amounts in our ecosystem, in addition to being the refuge of various birds and other animals helping to keep the environment cool. These absorb carbon dioxide from vehicles.

They do it thanks to their roots. Trees fight the greenhouse effect. Friendly trees are the oldest living things on earth, they are the enduring symbols of life and vital to maintaining balance with nature.

Predicciones sobre medio ambiente

Plants and trees add steam to the atmosphere, as well as contributing to the timber industry. They prevent soil erosion by maintaining soil moisture Erosion is a very serious problem caused by droughts, soil deterioration and forest clearance. The felling of trees should be done in a responsible way and always planting one to replace the one that has been cut down. The accumulation of gases in nature causes the climate to change faster than we imagine. The trees collect approx. 22 Kg of carbon dioxide every year.

There is a tree called the tree of life that absorbs 10 times more carbon dioxide than any other and emits large amounts of oxygen. Their life expectancy is between 200 and 250 years; it is easy to grow and fast growing. This tree resists fire, as its roots regenerate very quickly. Therefore, it would be an excellent idea to grow them in the appropriate regions. Trees have millions of internal channels, through which substances made of a mixture of water and mineral salts circulate. Therefore, they attract the rays generated by electrical discharges, being high and highly exposed and at the tips of their branches, they cause electrical charges to accumulate at their ends, where they concentrate their potential difference. Also because the tree is a set of organic materials, with milky stems, leaves wet by storms, glasses and a lot of water, which is the perfect conductor of ions to conduct the electric current; Through these fluids it becomes a perfect lightning rod; Thus, it is an excellent conductor of electrical current, becoming the perfect path for lightning to reach the earth.

conciencia ambiental

When the tree dies it turns into wood but does not attract the rays; as this becomes an insulator for electrical currents. Which is why in many places they install wooden poles to transport electricity. On the spiritual plane, every tree is full of good energies that feed the energies of man. They absorb negative forces and transform them into healthy energies. The life of the plant kingdom is one of harmony, connection and permanent unity. They have a high level of spiritual awareness. As an example we have the master tree that is the longest. He extends his arms to welcome anyone who wants to hug him. It meets special characteristics that make it suitable for tuning, tree and man. José Saramago's grandfather hugged his trees before he died. A nice way to thank and say goodbye to the planet.

When close to trees especially like the master tree, people's subconscious picks up its high frequency and has a harmonious effect on them; they are recharged with a beautiful positive energy. “My friends, the trees, seem to look at me, so calm, confident, with their sturdy trunks, and their thick roots that twist and twist, and stretch downward. My friends, the trees, seem to look at me, always still, silent, with their dense crowns, and their dark branches that cross and cross and even the sky stretch ”. Douglas wright


Conciencia ambiental
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Gabriel Ricardo Morales Fallon

Categorías: Medio Ambiente
Morales Fallon: