A hug can save lives

Morales Fallon
Today on the day we celebrate Christmas, I want to leave a story that I have learned through CNN and the Angels Among Us animal shelter, to show us that a hug saves lives.

This was the image of two dogs hugging each other a few hours before they were euthanized. It seemed as if they felt they were going to be executed, all because some heartless people abandoned these pets and they don't mind using them as if they were a throwaway object. These dogs were just waiting for an opportunity to live, to be happy with a family. The employees of the animal shelter where they took this image, it occurred to them to write a message on social networks after being moved by the photograph. The message was as follows: “My name is Kala and this is Keira. We are very scared here. The people who work at the shelter realize how scared we are but we have just been told that today is the deadline. If nobody comes to rescue us, it will be our turn. Keira is black and she is not a 'real boxer', just a mix. He is very brave and tells me that everything will be fine no matter what happens. He tells me that I should also be brave but I don't know if I can ”(Angels Among Us publication). This image went viral, so much to move hundreds of hearts who wanted to adopt these pets. The lucky winner of love for these two pets was a veterinarian who, after seeing the announcement on social networks, made the decision to adopt them.

This beautiful image gives us an example that with hugs we can save lives. I hope this story shows that with hope, love, tranquility and peace, we will have life and eternal happiness.


Gabriel Ricardo Morales Fallon
Morales Fallon: