Environmental awareness

Gabriel Morales Fallon
Environmental change can increase threats to human health, especially in less developed countries and those where industrialization is booming: these threats are given by the scarcity of food and water, extreme climates (heat waves, intense cold, transmission diseases, among other causes Here are some important data that are terrifying and that invite us to become aware of the environment, because we only have one planet.

According to the world health organization between 2030 and 2050, climate change could cause at least 250,000 deaths each year, due to "malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress."

Global warming The insufficiency of water resources in several countries has forced their inhabitants to transfer water from distant places and store it in their homes, increasing. the risk of water contamination, which brings annoyances, since many of these waters serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, transmitters of diseases such as dengue, malaria, Zika, malaria, and chikungunya among others The fly and the zika virus Heat waves, floods and droughts have serious impacts on the health of populations, causing serious catastrophes Arctic Ocean ice declines have been reduced by 2.7% every ten years, bearing in mind that sea ice generally shrinks in the summer by 7.4%. These climatic changes should force humanity to become aware and to develop actions to face new risks and rigorous pressures, such as the variation of water resources, lack of food and consequently famines, damage to infrastructures. Thus, we must support the creation of projects in order to strengthen the response to counteract damage to human health, bearing in mind the use of clean energy, the conservation of forests, and water, and the local search for alternatives that promote the good use of planet earth and its renewable and non-renewable resources.

Categorías: Medio Ambiente
Morales Fallon: